Find the best pre-vetted employees that match perfectly your company
Get an objective and holistic overview of the candidates to find the best matches and slash recruiting costs.
Will SkillSync you will have an overview of the following traits of your prospects:
  • Language Proficiencies
  • Logical Aptitude
  • Personality Type
  • Grit, Risk and Resilience tolerance
Traditional recruiting tools such as LinkedIn or platforms don’t offer information on the candidate beyond the short background and CV. As a result, companies spend countless hours interviewing candidates that shouldn’t be interviewed in the first place.

Through our SkillSync platform, we collect >150 data points for each candidate and verify their actual level of language proficiency, working permits, soft and hard skills.

You can invite to an interview only those candidates that match the required skillset.
  • Transparent
    Once on a platform, you get full access to all data points collected about candidates
  • Verified
    We make sure that all information per candidate is fully correct
  • Holistic
    We collect not only information about hard and soft skills such as language, but also data on grit and psychometrics. Therefore, you will understand not only ability, but also the character of your next candidates.
How it works: Employers

Sign up for the platform

Browse all candidates who are actively looking or a job based on multiple filters
Get in touch via chat function or invite to the interview

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