Fees Schedule.
* The Student is permitted to prove that the actual damage to Lendorse cost less than this amount. Lendorse is permitted to charge additional fees as damages if the actual costs incurred are higher.
Failure to declare income.
An example scenario of when this would apply:

The Student is prompted by Lendorse to share their Tax Return by the due date, which they do. Their Tax Return shows that they did not declare a source of income in their Monthly Income Reports, with a difference of EUR 23k. As they have responded by the due date, but have failed to declare income of > EUR 10001, the Student will be charged a penalty fee of EUR 1000, in accordance with the below table.

Reductions to the fees can be made according to:

  • The response time of the Student as mapped in the below table
  • The Portfolio Manager on a discretionary basis
  • The Hardship Committee

The aim of this fee matrix is to incentivise cooperation between the Company and the Student.
© 2023 Lendorse UG
